There is datatable and when user click on particular row it needs to be printed.
data table in xhtml:
<ice:dataTable value="#{activeBackingBean.selectedEntity.subjectableList}" var="bill" ...
inside column put link component instead outputTex, which will pass bill number:
<ice:commandLink value="#{bill.GUINumber}" actionListener="#{activeBackingBean.billToPdf}" style="color:black;" title="Print bill">
<f:param name="billNumber" value="#{bill.GUINumber}" />
In backing beanu there is (actionListener) method:
public void billToPdf(ActionEvent ae)
read request parametar and save object in class field for later use, call hidden button
String parameter = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("billNumber");
log.debug("billToPdf: " + parameter);
//find appropriate object (bill)
JavascriptContext.addJavascriptCall(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), "document.getElementById('PrintForm:PrintButton').click();");
hidden button in xhtml:
<ice:form id="PrintForm">
<ice:commandButton id="PrintButton" visible="false" actionListener="#"
onclick="{location.href='#{downloadServlet}?fileCreator=null&fileType=pdf&fileAction=activeBackingBean.billToPdf'}" />
Click will call servlet which will call appropriate method in bean via reflection (fileAction -our method which needs to be called):
ApplicationContext ctx = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(getServletContext());
Object result = MethodUtils.invokeMethod(bean, methodName, iS); //iS is InputStream
ServletOutputStream stream = response.getOutputStream(); ...
in backing beanu method that exports to PDF:
public FileObject billToPdf() throws JRException, IOException
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("monthBillToPdf: " + bill);
return billManager.billToPdf(bill);
Second approach:
call servlet with submitted oid. Via refection call bean method, fetch appropriate object and print it.