Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dynamically load header message in column

In backing bean I have List vrsteAktivnosti and based on kratica property in my object I want to build header so it can easily be internationalized. Plus add sufix '_kratica' to property.
If for example kratica resolves to KR in my resource bundle I have key KR_kratica.

<ui:param name="kratica_3" value="#{aktivnostBean.vrsteAktivnosti.get(3).kratica}_kratica" />
<p:column headerText="#{msg[kratica_3]}">

Some expression language basics:
  • msg.someKey will look at message bundle for someKey
  • msg['someKey'] will look at message bundle for someKey
  • msg[someKey] will look at params to resolve property someKey
  • msg[aktivnostBean.vrsteAktivnosti.get(3).kratica] will look at objects property kratica and then look at msg bundle
  • msg[aktivnostBean.vrsteAktivnosti.get(3).kratica_kratica] will look at objects property kratica_kratica which does not exist, so use ui:param

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Eclipse preferences

  1. Hot deploy on Tomcat - when you make changes to class it should be asap visible in Tomcat (JRebel would like that :)
    • Create Launch Configuration under Tomcat - Launch (Preferences), Debug is checked
    • This is working only on web project, not projects included in it
  2. General - check Show heap status
  3. General - Workspace - set Text file encoding
  4. General - Editors- Text Editors - Show line nubers
  5. Run/Debug - Console - uncheck Limit console output
  6. modify start shortcut: 
    • "C:\MyEclipse\myeclipseforspring.exe" -data D:\Workspace\Play -vmargs -Xmx768m -XX:MaxPermSize=384m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=64m
  7. add latest Subclipse
  8. add bin and target folders to global svn ignore list
    • Windows - Preferences - Team - Ignored Resources - Add Pattern
    • enter bin then target then m2-target
  9. remove antivirus scan from workspace and eclipse installation directory
  10. add -showlocation as first line in eclipse.ini to show workspace location in title bar
Find resource in specific folder?
Open resource (Ctrl + Shift + R) - find start.jsp in msgbox subfolder:

How to tell eclipse where is my java located?
Edit eclipse.ini file add line before -vmargs:
-vm (new line needed :)

How to change @author default field in Javadoc?
Edit eclipse.ini file, add line name

Missing deployment assembly even if Dynamic Web Module is added as project facet
to your .project file.

Quick Search

Add decompiler

What are the best JVM settings for Eclipse?

TOMCAT - JVM parameters:
-Xms256m -Xmx1024m 
-XX:PermSize=64m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m

JVM params explained

-Xms<size>              set initial Java heap size
-Xmx<size>              set maximum Java heap size
-XX:PermSize<size>  set initial PermGen Size
-XX:MaxPermSize<size>  set the maximum PermGen Size