Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Vagrant notes

Vagrant enables users to create and configure lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments.

$ vagrant up

This command creates and configures guest machines according to your Vagrantfile.
Start virtual machine.

$ vagrant ssh

This will SSH into a running Vagrant machine and give you access to a shell.

$ vagrant halt

This command shuts down the running machine Vagrant is managing.

$ vagrant destroy

This command stops the running machine Vagrant is managing and destroys all resources that were created during the machine creation process.
After running this command, your computer should be left at a clean state, as if you never created the guest machine in the first place.

$ vagrant global-status

This command will tell you the state of all active Vagrant environments on the system for the currently logged in user.



Thursday, December 1, 2016

Connection to SVN on Win 10 machine with DirectAccess

 There are 2 svn connectors:
  1. SVN Kit
  2. JavaHL Native
Tortoise and Eclipse plugins for SVN by default use JavaHL and that does not work over DA by default!
Direct Access goes over IPv6.
Subclise for Eclipse can be set to use SVN Kit or JavaHL as client.
By default SVN Kit goes over IPv6 but tortoise is using JavaHL and those two are incompatible. Errors like

revert C:/projects/internal/backoffice-sso
    svn: E200030: Index not exists: I_NODES_MOVED
    Index not exists: I_NODES_MOVED
An internal error occurred during: "Refresh SVN status cache".
Can't overwrite cause with org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException: 
svn: E155010: The node 'zzz_project' was not found.

Tortoise SVN

Get version that supports IPv6.
Latest version, 1.9.5 does not have ipv6 version and does not work!


Download and install SlikSVN (https://sliksvn.com/download/)
Install Subclipse in Eclipse via update site, I have used version 4.2.x where update site is https://dl.bintray.com/subclipse/releases/subclipse/4.2.x/
After, verify SVN interface that is in use (Preferences - type SVN) is SilkSvn.
Subclipse 1.10.13 does not use SlikSVN as connector! I guess versions are incompatible: Subclipse uses JavaHL 1.9.3 and installed SlikSvn uses 1.9.4
